Energetic Clearing of Homes and Spaces
Energetic Clearing, Do you feel as though the vibrational frequency of your space is not aligned with you, or just feels low or negative? Similar to people, places (and objects) hold vibrational energy, which is affected by many things such as historical events in the space, the energy of those occupying the space, and the energy of items present in the space.
Energy clearing is often the most effective way of neutralizing and then raising vibrational frequency of a location. Papa practices energy clearing and house blessings, and as part of this service, provides consultation on how to keep the energy of the space where you want it.
During energy clearings or house blessings, Papa will spend an hour spiritually with you in your home cleansing the space and providing the consultation.
Energetic Clearing of a house, land or business session, Opening of Angelic Portals, I also recommend the Magical Djinn which is very effective.
Every space, whether it’s a house, a piece of land, or a business premise, holds onto energy. Over time, these spaces can accumulate a mixture of positive and negative energies.
Just as physical spaces need periodic cleaning to remove dust and debris, energetic spaces too require a cleanse to clear out stagnant, heavy, or negative energy.
Energetic Clearing, Events like arguments, illnesses, stress, or even past traumas in a given space can leave a lasting energetic imprint. Without proper clearing, this residual energy can impact the well-being, prosperity, and overall vibrancy of a place and its occupants.
Signs of an Energetically “Dirty” House:
• A constant feeling of being drained or fatigued while in the space.
• Regular occurrences of emotional upheavals or arguments.
• An unexplainable sense of uneasiness or being watched.
• Frequent nightmares or disrupted sleep patterns.
• Mechanical and electronic items malfunctioning without a clear cause.
• The presence of cold spots or areas where the energy feels particularly dense.
• A decline in the health of occupants without any medical reasons.
• Plants dying or refusing to thrive in certain areas.
• Persistent financial difficulties or setbacks related to the business.
• An overall stagnancy or feeling of being “stuck”, despite efforts to progress.
During an energy clearing session for a house or land, various forms of stagnant, negative, or disruptive energies can be identified and released. Here’s an overview of what can be cleansed and released during this session:
• Historical Residues: Energies from past events, conflicts, or traumas that took place on the land or within the house can linger for years, sometimes even centuries. These might include energies from previous owners, battles that might have taken place on the land, or any traumatic incidents.
• Emotional Imprints: Spaces can absorb the emotions of the people who live or have lived there. This can include feelings of anger, sadness, despair, or even extreme joy. Over time, these accumulated emotions can create an imbalance.
• Spiritual Disturbances: This includes any earthbound spirits or entities that might be attached to the space. These entities might be souls that haven’t moved on or other spiritual entities that are drawn to the energy of the place.
• Geopathic Stress: This refers to distortions or disruptions in the earth’s natural energy field, which can be caused by underground water streams, specific mineral concentrations, fault lines, or even certain man-made structures.
• Energetic Portals: Sometimes, there can be unidentified energetic portals or vortexes in a space. While some can be positive and rejuvenating, others might be draining or negative.
• Curse or Spell Residues: Though it might sound like something out of folklore, lands or houses can carry the energy of old curses, spells, or rituals, especially if they were conducted with intense emotion or intent.
• Technological Interferences: With the modern world’s plethora of electronic devices, there can be electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that disrupt the natural energy of a space.
• Negative Thought Forms: These are energetic residues created from the focused thoughts, beliefs, and feelings of individuals. Over time, if negative thought patterns are recurrent, they can create a dense energy that hangs in a space.
• Physical Clutter: While this is tangible, physical clutter often represents emotional or mental clutter and can greatly affect the energy flow of a space.
• Environmental Stresses: These can be created due to nearby industrial areas, pollution sources, or any other environmental factors that might affect the energy purity of the land or house.
• Cultural or Ancestral Memories: Especially on lands that were once inhabited by indigenous peoples or ancient civilizations, there might be residual memories or energies from their customs, rituals, and events.
• Lost Souls or Fragments: These are parts of individuals’ souls that might have separated due to traumatic events and got attached to the place.
When an energy clearing session is conducted, these elements are identified, addressed, and harmoniously released or transmuted, ensuring that the space is free from any energy that doesn’t serve its highest good.
Benefits of the Session: Energetic Clearing
• Renewed feelings of positivity and peace.
• Enhanced sleep quality and overall relaxation.
• Strengthened personal relationships and harmonious interactions.
• Improved physical and mental well-being.
• Attraction of prosperity and abundance in business or personal endeavors.
• Enhanced intuition and clearer decision-making abilities.
• Increased motivation, inspiration, and creativity.
• A bolstered sense of security and safety.
• Easier flow of opportunities and positive experiences.
• Amplification of the space’s natural beauty and vibrancy.
• Reduction of conflicts and misunderstandings.
• Elevated spiritual connection and meditative experiences.
• Stronger immunity and reduced illnesses for the occupants.
• Improved growth and vitality of plants and pets within the space.
• Enhanced focus, productivity, and work outcomes.
• A greater alignment with one’s life purpose and dreams.
• Attraction of positive experiences and individuals.
• Strengthened connection to the earth and natural elements.
Opening of Angelic Portals – A Major Benefit: Energetic Clearing
The opening of angelic portals as a part of the session is an extraordinary advantage. Energetic Clearing, Angelic portals act as gateways to higher dimensions, allowing the pure, healing, and protective energies of angels to flow freely into the space.
This not only amplifies the positive effects of the energy clearing but also ensures that the area remains shielded from negative influences in the future.
Energetic Clearing, With these portals in place, occupants often report a heightened sense of divine connection, abundance in various forms, and an ever-present feeling of being watched over and guided.
The fusion of energy clearing with the establishment of these portals creates a haven of health, prosperity, and spiritual growth.